HYDERABAD, INDIA June 24, 2002: Several cases of people being killed on suspicion of practicing sorcery in Andhra Pradesh have spurred the police to launch a campaign to combat age-old superstitions. The latest victim was stoned to death by four people as they suspected he had put a curse on a member of their family. In another incident a month ago, a man was dragged out of the house and set on fire, blaming him for using witchcraft to steal gold chains. The lack of basic medical care in areas of rural Andhra Pradesh force many people to seek the help of self-proclaimed sorcerers. For a small fee, the practitioners of black magic not only offer to cure an ailing person, but also cast spells on presumed enemies. However, things can go horribly wrong when angry mobs turn against the so-called sorcerers. On an average, between a dozen to two dozen people accused of practicing sorcery are killed every year in Andhra Pradesh. Judicial magistrates and other officials have been talking to the villagers to impress upon them the serious consequences of killing someone.