BHOPAL, INDIA, July 31, 2002: Sant Ram Kishore Das Khade Shree Maharaj has never in the past nine years sat or lied down. Originally from Nepal, the 73-year-old saint has pledged to remain standing for at least 14 years for world peace. Sant Ram feels he can remain standing for more than 14 years or even through his entire life. He began his present sadhana, discipline, in Mehsana, Gujarat, in 1993. “The first two years had been excruciatingly tough with my feet swelling up with pain and itching,” he said adding, “I keep standing on either foot alternatively through the day and night. And to rest, I place my hands on a swing-like contraption or lean on a pole behind me. The swing also serves as support to sleep.” He prefers walking taking rest midway by supporting himself on tree branches on roadsides. Sant Ram annual calendar also includes other pledges like to not speak for five months in a year when he meditates indoors for 22 hours and meets people only for two hours.