PARIS, FRANCE, August 10, 2002: The Annual Chariot Festival of Sri Manika Vinayakar Alayam, will be held for the seventh year in succession on September 8, 2002, under the able guidance of the founder & president. The chariot festival, an ancient Hindu tradition followed through the ages in their motherland, has not been forgotten by the thousands of Hindus living in Europe and quite rightly chosen to celebrate this event in the most prestigious and flamboyant French capital of Paris. It is expected to attract well over ten thousand devotees from all over Europe. Saffron water will be sprayed before the chariot right through the whole journey and devotees and accompanied the chariot barefooted. As in the past, the ceremony will be officiated by three or five leading priests (Kurukkal) commencing at 9:00 am and the procession then goes through the 18th and 10th ward of Paris and terminates its journey around 3;00 pm. ”Kavadis” take pride of place by leading the procession followed by the ”Nagaswaram & Drummers,” and trailing the chariot will be mainly the women devotees carrying camphor pots on their heads and singing devotional songs. All are welcome to participate in this happy event, thus fostering and creating an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship among the various communities.