NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 1, 2002: Established in August, 2001, the National Commission for Cattle has recently submitted a 1,500-page report to Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee advocating that cow slaughter be put to a stop in India. Presently, beef forms part of many peoples’ diet and is a lucrative export product along with cow leather. Statistically, India has 200 million cattle. Ghuman Mal Lodha, acting chairman of the commission, says, “India is 85% Hindu. Killing cattle is worse than killing human beings as the animals cannot defend themselves.” In the 1,500-page report, Lodha has recommended 51 different solutions such as, “Prohibition of slaughter of the cow and its progeny should be made a fundamental right, and a Central Cattle Protection Rapid Task Force should be set up with offices in each state.”