Source: Religion News Service

LONDON, ENGLAND, August 16, 2002: The idea of removing the cross from the badge of London’s police force has been dropped — almost as soon as it was raised. The police badge is surmounted by a crown with a tiny cross on the top, and it had been suggested to remove the cross in order to avoid offending the sensibilities of non-Christian recruits. But the head of the Metropolitan Police, Commissioner Sir John Stevens, said Wednesday (Aug. 14) that following informal consultations with the Metropolitan Police Authority, the body of local officials and magistrates that oversees London’s police force; the Metropolitan Police Federation (which represents police officers up to the rank of inspector); and the Superintendents’ Association, he had concluded there would be no change to the insignia. The proposal was first made when a Muslim traffic warden threatened to take the police to an employment tribunal for race discrimination on the grounds that he could not wear the symbol of another faith, but he later dropped his claim.