BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, August, 2002: The Vegetarian Resource Group Online Newsletter is always filled with handy information for vegetarians. This month’s edition has information for the vegetarian college student, who may face special challenges when it comes to eating on campus. Check out these URL’s for many practical suggestions on how to eat vegetarian style while maintaining a busy college life. Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ (http://www.vrg.org/catalog/faq.htm) gives many suggestions for vegetarian campus fare. A 30-day meatless menu at (http://www.vrg.org/nutshell/30daymenu.htm), a Veggie Viewpoint: Eating at College, (http://www.vrg.org/nutshell/30daymenu.htm) and Meatless Meals for Working People (http://www.vrg.org/catalog/meatless.htm). The university cafeteria should offer some vegetarian options, and there are many ready-made vegetarian frozen and boil-in-the-bag meals now available at supermarkets. If the cafeteria is finding it difficult to add more vegetarian meals, the VRG website offers brochures and assistance specific to food service, such as Foodservice Update, The Quantity Recipe Packet, and VEGAN IN VOLUME.