Source: Hindu Press International

INDIA, August 19, 2002: Swami Satchidananda, founder of the Integral Yoga Institute headquartered in Yogaville, Virginia, USA, is reported to have attained Maha Samadhi yesterday in India at age 87 as the result of an aortic bleed. Swamiji was honored by Hinduism Today in 1994 with the Hindu Renaissance Award as “Hindu of the Year.” The citation stated, “For 40 years, Swami Satchidananda has been one of Hinduism’s most respected international ambassadors, meeting and sharing the Advaitic vision of interfaith harmony with world statesmen and leaders of other faiths. In recognition of a lifetime of service to dharma, yoga, harmony among men and spreading the teachings of Atma Jnana, Self Knowledge, Hinduism Today has chosen him as 1994 Hindu of the Year.” Further reports will follow.