Source: Hindustan Times

HYDERABAD, INDIA, August 17, 2002: Tourists planning to visit the pilgrim town of Tirupati should take note; shorts and bermudas are not permitted at the shrine of Lord Venkateswara. Tirupati Tirumala Devasthanam (TTD), administrators of the Hindu temple, is planning a dress code for visitors. Anything that shows flesh — either male or female — or causes embarrassment to others is out. An audio tape meant to be played in all vehicles from the base town of Tirupati to the hilltop shrine already lists in detail what pilgrims should wear and what they should avoid for the darshan. TTD authorities want people to enter the temple in traditional wear — dhoti and shawls for men, and sarees for women. Trousers and salwar kameezes are frowned upon, but not banned. “The clothes should fit into the pious atmosphere inside the temple and should not hurt the sentiments of others,” TTD executive officer P. Krishnaiah said. “The traditional dress will give them a feeling that they are on a pilgrimage and not on a picnic or a pleasure trip.” The “casual attitude” towards clothes is a recent phenomenon. The TTD, Krishnaiah said, would not like to “impose” the restrictions on pilgrims, but would only “educate” them. “This is the beginning, we have to see how the people respond.” TTD already has a formal dress code for pilgrims participating in special rituals like abhishekam. Up to 50,000 pilgrims visit the temple every day, which is one of the richest in India