
PARITALA, INDIA, September 22, 2002: The tallest Hanuman statue in the country is coming up at Paritala, 240 km from Hyderabad. By early next year, Lord Hanuman will stand tall here at 135 feet. Work has been in progress at this site for 18 months now. Standing way above the world, this is a marvel in engineering and art. “No one else has built such a big statue. This will be the tallest in the country. I am very enthusiastic about it. In fact, my ambition is to build a statue of 300 feet,” says John Babu, sculptor, and a Christian. The all-stone Tiruvalluvar Statue at Kanya Kumari is 133 feet. The project is estimated to cost US$163,000 and will be ready for public viewing by January next year.