VADODARA, INDIA, September 30, 2002: Though there are apprehensions about terrorist attacks after the recent violence in the state, most citizens of Vadodara plan to enjoy Navaratri (“Nine Nights,” festival to the Goddess) with the same vigor as ever. They also feel that limiting the festivity to 10 pm, as per a Supreme Court judgement, is not fair. They say it is the festival of nine nights and closing the celebrations as early as 10 pm would be ridiculous. Garba (traditional dance for this festival) enthusiasts say that though they are worried by the recent attacks, Navaratri celebrations cannot be stalled. There is some uncertainty regarding the garba timings as the city police have written to the state government to declare the official time limit for the celebrations. But most garba organizers feel that the BJP would not want to hurt the sentiments of the people by limiting the festivities to 10 pm, which traditionally is the time when garbas begin here and continue until after midnight. According to garba enthusiast Parul Dhruv and her teenage daughter, despite feeling insecure after the attacks, they want to make the most of their favorite festival and have already started preparing for it. “Navaratri comes just once a year. Though I feel insecure, I believe life has to go on and one cannot live in fear. I will certainly go out and enjoy the festivities. It’s a risk, but I also have faith in the security measures that the organizers would be taking,” said Dhruv.