
KOLKATA, INDIA, October 1, 2002: Internationally known mime artist Shri Niranjan Goswami has been invited by the Banga Mela committee to perform Mukabhinaya at their cultural program in Nashville, Tennessee in July, 2003. Shri Goswami will donate proceeds from the performance to the National Mime Institute’s Building Fund and to the Hridaya Akash, an Indian Mime Theater (IMT) project for the literacy, culture and value development in slum children of Tangra area, Kolkata. Since its inception in 1976, IMT has been working tirelessly for the development and promotion of Mukabhinaya (silent acting, the Indian version of Pantomime). Mukabhinaya, which contains elements of classical Indian dances, has achieved the status of a separate indigenous art form from the Government of India. To organize a performance in your area or to find out more about IMT you can visit their website at “source” above.