Source: Jakarta Post

JAKARTA, INDONESIA, October 3, 2002: Tirtagangga (literally meaning the blessed water of Ganga) Water Palace is located at Ababi village, north of Amlapura, the capital of Karangasem regency, around two hours drive from the island’s capital, Denpasar. The five-acre complex was built in 1946 by the last King of Karangasem, as a royal bathing and leisure compound. Located in a scenic area, Tirtangga has been a favorite spot for both the members of the royal family and the local people. Tirtagangga consists of three levels. A small temple, swimming pool and two decorative ponds are situated on the highest level. The complex’s center and main attraction, a towering eleven-tiered fountain which rises from a beautiful pond is located on the middle level. In 1963, Bali’s largest and holiest mountain, Agung, located only 15 miles away, erupted, triggering a series of powerful earthquakes that severely damaged the complex. Today a comprehensive restoration program, aimed at reviving the initial beauty of the Water Palace, is being carried out by the grandsons and granddaughters of the last King of Karangasem. Along with the restoration of the water fountain, several new buildings will be added to the complex to provide space for exhibitions, conferences and a handicraft center. New plants and statues will be added and pools will be refurbished using the original Karangasem-style tiles. The project is scheduled for completion in 2006.