AUSTIN, TEXAS, October 17, 2002: Ph.D. candidate, Karline McLain, at The University of Texas, Austin, is seeking readers of Amar Chitra Katha comic books for a survey. “I am interested in the ways in which these comics combine text and image to retell classical mythological stories, as well as narratives of more recent historical events,” McLain says. While spending last year in Mumbai interviewing the authors, artists and editors who create the comics, she was also able to speak with many fan club presidents and other readers of the comics in various cities in India. “Now I am trying to survey readers of these comic books who live outside of India,” she says, “to learn how they have discovered these comic books, which stories they have most enjoyed, and what images have been most memorable to them.” Readers of HPI who are interested in responding to Ms McLain’s questionnaire may log onto “source” above.