CHENNAI,INDIA, October 17, 2002: According to this article, some Tamil Nadu Education rules are out of step with reality, including one that deals with corporal punishment. Never mind the campaign against corporal punishment for children in schools, it says, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children. As far as the law is concerned, in Tamil Nadu, corporal punishment is legal by exception. Rule 51 specifies: “Corporal punishment shall not be inflicted, except in a case of moral delinquency such as deliberate lying, obscenity of word or act or flagrant insubordination, and it shall be limited to six cuts on the hand and be administered only by or under the supervision of the headmaster.” Therefore, a headmaster can “legally” beat a student by merely quoting the circumstances specified in rule 51. S.S. Rajagopalan, educationalist, asks, “What is the point of introducing progressive methods of teaching as long as ancient/draconian laws exist?” These rules not only reflect scant respect for human rights but hardly seem to have kept in touch with advancements.