ORISSA, INDIA, October 21, 2002: One finds images of Hindu Gods and Goddesses decorating walls of government offices in Orissa nowadays. One also finds those walls cleaner than before. The Orissa government is making use of religious sentiments to keep people, especially those who chew paan, from spitting on walls. Former Works Secretary and Chief Engineer, N. N. Das, reportedly came up with the idea about a year ago. It was first implemented at Nirman Sauda, the Public Works Department building in Bhubaneswar, some months ago. Images of Ganesha and Krishna were painted on freshly whitewashed walls. Das recalls how “the unhygienic atmosphere turned holy.” People, he said, actually started worshipping the images every morning. Works department secretary, Mr. Rao, said there is no official circular, but government offices are now using religious images to keep their walls clean.