BHUTAN, October 28,2002: Nestled in the mighty Himalayas, Bhutan, The Land Of Thunder Dragon, is the last remaining Himalayan kingdom — an oasis of innocence in our world, where compassion and wisdom are the benchmark against which all things are measured.Bhutan is the only place in the world where the official government policy is Gross National Happiness (GNH). Hard to believe, but true. The aspiration towards enlightenment, and belief in the innate goodness of human beings, is widely shared by the people of Bhutan, the majority of whom practice Mahayana Buddhism. In spite of life’s suffering and hardships, the Bhutanese devotion to the teachings of loving-kindness remains ever present. In this 21st century, many parts of Bhutan lack technology and electricity and there are many villages that are still without schools. AMICUS, “friend” in Latin, hopes to be one of many bridges linking Bhutan with the world at large in a way that benefits everyone. Schools, community centers, libraries, nunneries are being build while educational scholarships and preservation of Bhutan’s historic and cultural monuments are all made possible. Amicus foundation (“source” above) is also playing a part to maintain the profound and beautiful qualities of Bhutanese culture, keeping the villages in tact with its integrity and spiritual values and helping Bhutan to make a smooth transition into the modern world while retaining its spiritual and cultural heritage.