Source: The New Indian Express

INDIA, October 21, 2002: Excerpted from an article by Swami Dayananda Saraswati: “I welcome the promulgation of the ordinance by the Government of Tamil Nadu to ban religious conversions ‘by use of force or by allurements or by any fraudulent means.’ This is a long-awaited step. A step that ensures for the citizens of Tamil Nadu the most basic of human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human rights adopted by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) in December 1948, holds in Article 18 that ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief.’ While the the article endorses each person’s right to change his or her religion, it does not in any way allow for another person to change a given person’s religion. On the contrary, a systematic coercive effort to impose one’s religion on another ‘by use of force or by allurements or by any fraudulent means’ is a clear violation of this basic human right. The denigration of one’s religion and the humiliation that accompanies the conversion experience are violations of the dignity ensured to every human being. With the conversion experience come shame, isolation, deep personal conflict and ultimately, the seeds for discord. History testifies to the devastating loss of rich and diverse cultures, gone forever in the aftermath of religious conversion. I appeal to the political leadership of all other States in India to promulgate similar laws and make sure that all possibilities of religious conflict are avoided, and the tradition of religious harmony in India is maintained.”