BANGKOK,THAILAND, November 10, 2002: An animal rights group has urged tourists to stop visiting Thailand, accusing the kingdom of abusing elephants for tourism. In a video released by the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, a baby elephant was shown separated from its mother during what’s called a “Phajaan ceremony” at an elephant camp in the Thailand. This is a process where the calf is severely abused so that the so-called trainers can tame the animal enough for tourists to pet and feed it. The footage has provoked an uproar in Thailand, where elephants are treated as a royal symbol and are revered by many. The Thai government is taking the claims very seriously. In response, officials have announced plans to prosecute elephant trainers who are found guilty of torturing the animals. Fearing a tourist ban to elephant camps, many organizers have taken pains to show how an elephant separation is actually conducted, with rituals and care for the animals. But many question the need to separate the calf from its mother in the first place. Especially when many elephants that are separated end up on the streets of Bangkok, vying for tourist dollars, and living on empty land next to expressways. Activists have called for new laws to protect elephants.