NEW DELHI, INDIA, November 6, 2002: An analysis of the 2001 Census data pertaining to New Delhi shows that more women have taken jobs in the past ten years, though the number is still much less than working men. But, the number of women employed in the agriculture sector and household industries is higher than that of men. Around 9.15 percent women are employed as main or marginal workers. Those who work continuously for six or more months have been categorized as main workers the rest are marginal workers. According to officials of the Department of Economics and Statistics of Delhi Government, 15.54 percent women are employed in New Delhi, followed by 10.69 percent in south Delhi and 10.51 percent in west Delhi. In northeast Delhi, only 5.25 percent of women are employed followed by 7.91 percent in north Delhi and 8.99 percent in east Delhi. The census analysis has found more women working in Delhi’s rural areas (11 percent) than those in urban parts (9.08 percent). By comparison, in the U.S. women made up 46.6 percent of the total work force in 2001, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and in Japan women make up about 40 percent of the country’s total work force.