Source: Times of India

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA, November 7, 2002: Following Russia’s recognition of the Ayurvedic System of Medicine, India and Russia will sign a memorandum of understanding setting up Ayurveda’s Panchakarma treatment for victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. This cooperative agreement was announced at the World Ayurveda Congress, held recently in Kochi. Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala of Kerala will provide technical support for the venture. Test treatments had earlier proved that Chernobyl victims responded very well to Panchakarma treatment, said Dr. C. K. Krishnan Nair, member of the Board of Studies in Ayurveda of M. G. University. Dr. Nair pointed out that the U. K., Germany, France, Sweden, Austria, United States and Italy have launched schools of alternative medicine, which were primarily the Indian system of medicine. Additionally the World Health Organization has explored the potential of Ayurveda and found it efficacious in not just curing diseases but also for preserving health.