Source: Toronto Star

TORONTO, CANADA, November 23, 2002: Young Hindus growing up in Canada are often choosing a life partner who is not a Hindu. In fact, according to Dr. Ravi Shrivastava, a volunteer priest at the Mississauga Arya Samaj, three out of every four wedding ceremonies he performed this year were “mixed” marriages, that is young Hindus marrying mostly white Christians. Hindu parents often oppose marriage outside their religion and their objections are interpreted as racist. However, it is generally believed the Hindu Canadian parents only want to preserve their culture and religion and that they fear a cross-cultural marriage will not do that. Ajit Adhopia, author, says, “In a multicultural multiracial society, mixed marriages are inevitable. I believe Hinduism will survive and thrive in Canada.” HPI adds: The half century of ministry by Hinduism Today’s founder, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, in the West revealed that more often than not these mixed marriages do not result in a strong Hindu next generation. It is far better, he advised, for husband and wife to be of the same religion.