NEW DELHI, INDIA, November 25, 2002: Several top ashrams in Rishikesh, which have in the past catered to high profile international celebrities like Drew Barrymore, Ted Turner, Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer, are reported to have suffered heavy losses this year with the aftereffects of September 11 reducing the inflow of foreigners to a trickle. At least seven of the 269 ashrams in and around Rishikesh have been severely affected as their transcendental and spiritual therapy courses are patronized by wealthy Europeans and Hollywood personalities. During 2001, the seven ashrams collectively registered 1,400 people in various disciplines. This year, they are poised to close with the low figure of 158. According to Swami Shyamendra, founder of the Intergalactic Culture Foundation, Rishikesh, the extent of terrorism in this part of the world has kept people away. “The Western mind still hasn’t come to terms with the WTC attack. For them, there is no difference between India and Pakistan. The fear of being treated like Daniel Pearl still haunts them. This year we have received only five per cent of the visitors who arrived last year,” said Swami.