NEW DELHI, INDIA, December 7, 2002: The Ramakrishna Mission has been selected for an honorary mention of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for Promotion of Tolerance and Nonviolence 2002. The selection was unanimous, made by an international jury that met in Paris on October 3 and 4. UNESCO’s communication sent to the Ramakrishna Mission states, “This honorary mention highlights UNESCO’s recognition of your continuous activities to make peace and happiness prevail among the people, regardless of their caste or religious beliefs. We sincerely hope that the efforts of the Ramakrishna Mission will continue to flourish in the future to ensure the welfare of the people in India.” The prize was instituted in 1995 by a foundation for Madanjeet Singh, an international civil servant who headed UNESCO. Earlier recipients of the honor include Gandhian worker Narayan Desai and South Africa’s Bishop Desmond Tutu.