UNITED STATES, December 10, 2002: Following is a verbatim report from a Christian news organization on missionary work in India: “A ministry in India is finding that its social and educational ministries are bearing much fruit when combined with a spiritual emphasis. This particular ministry, begun 30 years ago, cares for 95 children of leprous parents in a children’s home. Living apart from the parents prevents the children from contracting the same dread disease and also gives them an education, that otherwise would pass them by. Most of the children come from non-Christian families. Along with the children’s home, the ministry also operates two elementary schools. The biggest one teaches 1,800 day-students from mostly Sikh and Hindu homes and employs 70 teachers. A third school is scheduled to open in March 2003. The ministry also runs a daily dispensary with a retired public health person. A Christian doctor is joining the team and plans to begin operating a mobile health clinic in February. Amid this social and educational ministry the mission group has been able to plant 45 churches with a total constituency of over 4,800 believers. ‘This year we started church fellowships in two new places with full time workers, and our churches are growing rapidly,’ the director said.”