HENHAM, ENGLAND, November 31, 2002: An English vicar has banned yoga from his church because he fears the exercise classes could lead participants on a path to “Eastern mysticism.” The Rev. Richard Farr, of St. Mary’s in Henham, on the Essex-Hertfordshire border, said he had enforced the ban after Tom Newstead, the yoga instructor, had confirmed that the ultimate aim of yoga was to enable participants to “ascend to a higher spiritual plane.” “We are here to tell people about Jesus and his exclusive claims. It seems completely inappropriate that we should give someone a platform who is advocating different spirituality’s,” Farr said. Newstead, whose classes included several members of the congregation, was said to be surprised by the ban. Yoga, a Hindu system of exercise and meditation, has supporters in the medical profession who say it can relieve stress as well as help with spinal and muscular ailments.