NEW DELHI, INDIA, December 14, 2002: Of the three great Indian obsessions, politics, cricket and marriage, the third comes first. Of the three great rituals that mark our lives — birth, marriage and death — marriage is the biggest and grandest of all. The poorest father will mortgage his house and drown himself in debt to provide for his daughter’s wedding, reports Nina Martyris on the great Indian wedding. The weddings of India’s wealthy are complete with thousands of guests, an outlandish theme, treasure chests of jewelry, family intrigue, romance and fun. They have long been the meeting ground of power, money and show biz. “Indian weddings are becoming bigger, louder and fancier,” says Delhi designer Rohit Bal. “They’re vulgar and completely out of control. I think a law needs to be passed to control people who’ve got so carried away. There was a time in the mid 90s, when I felt that maybe this madness might end, but simplicity is extinct. You have Hawaiian themes, Bollywood nights — complete madness has overtaken people. Can someone please do a reality check on people spending filthy amounts of money on one evening?” Delhi wedding planner Geeta Samuel, adds that now the middle-class is aspiring to these superrich flash weddings too.