BURLINGTON, UNITED STATES, December 31, 2002: You probably don’t know this, and it has nothing to do with Hinduism, but Sandi Weld of Sorrento, Florida, just won the 72nd World Champion Liar Contest over hundreds of competitors. Weld won by writing: “When I moved to Iron Mountain, Michigan, (a real mining town) I brought my pet sheep. He grazed on the mineral rich grass. When it came time to shear it in the spring, I ended up with nine pounds of steel wool.” R.M. Eimermann, of Oconomowoc, received an honorable mention for saying his brother Ollie is so smart he can do crossword puzzles without looking at the clues. Gene Lasch, of Shawno, was mentioned for writing that when he speaks, his wife listens. And Pleasant Praire’s Wayne Everts was honored for his lie about his father’s horse, who was so smart, he could put on his own shoes.