Source: News Reports

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, January 10, 2003: A high priest is convinced that Hindu temples have a role in tackling criminal-related problems of Indian youths. Unorthodox and determined, Muthu Kumara Gurukal, 56, gets dejected when he reads the newspapers or hears news about Indian youths getting involved in street fights, crimes and drugs, wants the temples to share their wealth in uplifting and restructuring the Indian community. “Don’t see the problem. Look for a solution.The solution lies solely with the temples,” he told his audience at an evening temple sermon recently. Muthu Kumara Gurukal, who is able to relate the ancient Vedic scriptures to present-day situations, is highly recognised for his credentials and qualifications from leading Indian temples. The Hindu high priest is a highly sought-after speaker and a selfless community worker. He is part of the new wave of Hindu Renaissance, which the Malaysian Hindu Society is propagating nationwide, in a bid to awaken and educate Hindus on the importance of right action through spiritualism. “Use about one-third of the temple collection to provide food and clothing to the poorer Indians, and to increase the number of educated Indians. Temples should allocate 30% of their collections and donations to community service projects. The money could be used to turn the temples into community center to serve the poor, provide tuition to the students and enlighten them on Hinduism so that they could understand and adopt noble human values. Hinduism has a rich and diverse philosophy, and is an all-encompassing way of life. Our sacred rites and rituals are tools. They are the means through which devotees seek spiritual satisfaction.” To spread the knowledge of Hinduism, Muthu Kumara is planning to set up a school to train Hindu youths who want to be priests. Being well-versed and having worked as a priest for the past 40 years, Muthu Kumara is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as the Malaysian Hindu Sangam has expressed full support of his move to help the community. Its president, A. Vaithialingam, said the objective was for Hindus to play an active role in affirming and reinforcing the strength of Malaysia’s multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural society. “Practically all Hindu temples and organizations have come together to support the Master Plan for the Hindu Renaissance in Malaysia.