LONDON, ENGLAND, January 11, 2003: For the first time in the history of London’s Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), its Hindu officers have come together to form the Metropolitan Police Hindu Association (MPHA). The MPS has over 200 Hindu staff members. The chairman of MPHA, Mahesh Nandha, told Hindustan Times that there are already 40 people interested and more are expected. “Our aim is to help the Metropolitan Police and the Hindu staff in recruiting more people from the community and trying to keep them for longer within the service.” He said the Association would provide welfare, support and mentoring. It will help improve recruitment and retention of Hindu employees by working in conjunction with police projects, policies and strategies and reduce premature resignation of Hindu employees. The launch of the MPHA follows a major campaign by the Metropolitan Police to stamp out race hate crime. Dissemination and knowledge of Hindu culture, he said, will undoubtedly help and he said he has already had very positive feedback.