Source: Brahmachari Dhyanamrita Chaitanya

BANGALORE, INDIA, February 14, 2003: At 8:30 today, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), installed the murthi at her newest Brahmasthanam Temple. Bells, traditional drums and horns accompanied the continuous chanting of the mantra “Om Sivasaktyaikya Rupinyai Namah” by the thousands of devotees present. Amma performed abhisheka to the idol, using water from kalashas presented to her by representatives from around the world, including Europeans and Americans. The unique murthi has four faces, each face depicting a different deity: Shiva, Devi, Ganesha and Rahu, symbolizing the unity inherent in the myriad deities of the Hindu pantheon: the One with many faces. Amma has consecrated 16 Brahmasthanam temples, both within India and abroad.