KERALA, INDIA, March 13, 2003: The following comments made by Mata Amritanandamayi Devi are excerpted from the interview at source: “Hinduism is not about one God. It is about seeing God in every manifestation of nature, be it an ant, bird, cow or snake. Don’t we have temples for nature’s creations? Other religions may believe in one God, but Hindus see Eeswaran in all His creation. Even an ant can teach us a lesson or two. … Hinduism is perhaps the only religion that offers devotees a choice to worship the female Deity in a codified form. The Devi is worshipped by millions in India, but despite this, the status of woman in society has not changed. I would blame men for it, as women have been mentally conditioned to subservience for centuries. If a baby elephant’s legs are chained, it carries the impression of the chains on its legs even when it grows up. So do Indian women.”