KASHMIR, INDIA, March 13, 2003: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed delivered a speech at the India Habitat Center that touched the hearts of one and all present, according to this article. The occasion was Sivaratri where Sayeed said, “This is a festival that is celebrated by both Hindus and Muslims in Kashmir with equal fervor. There is absolutely no rift between the two communities in the state. And what comes across as a wall of cultures between the two communities is nothing but mischief created by outsiders.” Speaking about the past glory of Kashmir and its eternal beauty, Sayeed evoked strong emotional memories among the guests. Among them was Delhi theater personality, Sita Raina, who said, “The problem in Kashmir is not because of the people there, but the way they have been wrongly handled. And our only hope now is the people there believing that the problems can be solved.”