
UNITED STATES, April 7, 2003: Michael Hart founded Project Gutenberg in 1971 with the idea that anything that can be entered into a computer can be reproduced indefinitely. This led to the concept of entering books into computers and sharing these books with the world. Due to copyright laws, it is only legal to do this with older books (copyrighted 75 or more years ago). As a result, Project Gutenberg is mostly comprised of the “Classics.” They are presently working on The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa” and “Vedanta-Sutras with the commentary of Sankaracharya,” but the process is slow because there are so few Hindu proofreaders. Most of the volunteer proofreaders here are not familiar with Hindu words and terms. Any help from the Hindu community, even if it’s just for one or two pages, would be welcome. For information on how to sign up to be a proof reader and about Project Gutenberg, kindly log on to “source” above.