
NEW DELHI, INDIA, April 12, 2003: In their hectic lives of long work and study packed days, and temples a fair distance from home, devotees of the younger generation are tuning into God online. A survey has shown that “…young urban Indians, in the 16 to 24 age group, showed (that) a significant number of people observed religious rituals by praying at home and places of worship, observing fasts and celebrating festivals.”Of those surveyed, 51% identify strongly with their religion. However, the average 20 year-old coping with work and school has a hard time visiting the temple daily. At you can log on to many temple sites and attend or conduct a puja. Twenty-four-year-old Neerja Jain says, “I log on once in the morning and anytime I feel down. For me, darshan like this means you carry God with you everywhere. “Third-year Delhi University student Payal Jha adds, “I really don’t have the time to visit a temple, but it’s kind of cool to log on for my tryst with God.”