
NEW DELHI, INDIA, April 23, 2003: New Delhi has been given the prestigious honor as World Book Capital by a UNESCO panel represented by the International Publishers Association. Since 1896, the IPA has been a forum for 67 countries who believe in freedom in publishing, and respect for creativity and copyright laws. Managing director of Prentice-Hall, Kokee K. Ghosh says, “I don’t know how many people realize this, but publishing is the largest industry in the capital.” Mr. Ghosh was elected as vice-president of the IPA in 2001 and many believe that it was Mr. Ghosh’s influence that brought New Delhi the recognition as World Book Capital. Alexandria, Egypt was bestowed the honor in 2002 and Madrid, Spain in 2001. On April 23 New Delhi joined the ranks with celebrations beginning at the India International Center where a host of publishers witnessed the announcement. Elsewhere around the capital, publishing houses were busy at work producing the 70,000 titles that hit Indian bookstore shelves every year, including large numbers of religious titles. Tejeshwar Singh of Sage Publications sums it up, “Every day is a World Book day for us.”