
SRINAGAR, INDIA, May 29, 2003: Over 3,500 pilgrims are expected to take part in the annual Amarnath Yatra that will commence July 12, official sources said here on Thursday. Base camps for the month-long yatra at Nunwan and Baltal will start functioning on July 5. Of the 3,500 pilgrims who will take part in the yatra, 2,700 are scheduled for the traditional route passing through Pahalgam, while 800 yatris will take the shorter Baltal hill track. Drinking water, diesel generator sets, sufficient quantities of food grains and firewood will be available for the pilgrims. Medical camps will be set up at all stages of the yatra, besides the mini-hospitals at Nunwan, Pahalgam and Baltal. BSNL will install telephone booths at Pahalgam, Chandanwari, Sheshnag, Panchtarni, the Amarnath Cave itself, Baltal Sonamarg and Manigam, and the police telecommunication department would provide wireless facilities for coordination along the hill track. The authorities said the ban on polyethylene bags, plastic crockery and pitching plastic tents at all stages of the yatra will be strictly enforced to prevent pollution hazards.