
THIRUKKOVILAR, INDIA, May 30, 2003: Many temples around Thirukkovilar are in a state of disrepair, often lacking in simple supplies such as oil for lamps. At a temple dedicated to Lord Siva, a temple chariot catches the eye for it is decorated with marvelous art depicting Hindu legends and stories. The chariot was last used 15 years ago in a procession and while one finds classic art carved and painted on the chariot, a few of the carvings have already been stolen. The front, known as Kodungais and Chendu, are marvelous pieces of art. On one side of the car the story of Markandeya is told in four frames. In another frame Lord Nataraja is depicted performing the cosmic dance while Nandi plays on the maddalam. Other frames depict stories from the Ramayama, and epics about Lord Krishna. Because there is no protection from vandals, this special car with artistic marvels is being defaced, as well as decaying.