
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, June 29, 2003: The Malaysian Hindu Sangam (MHS) recently held their 26th annual national meeting where Datuk Vaithilingam, president, outlined a “Renaissance Plan” for the Sangam’s continuing religious work in Malaysia. What follows is a summation of his remarks:

Improving religious education among the youth is at the top of our list. “Only then can they have the basic tools in order to stand shoulder to shoulder with other religious and ethnic groups.” Implanting in all Hindus a spirit of service to the community using the “ATMAH project,” already implemented in some areas of Malaysia. Nurturing and helping Hindu cultural values flourish again within the Hindu community. Enhancing the roles of temples beyond traditional worship and making them powerful cultural and community centers where Hindus can join together for religious entertainment and in service of others. In order to fulfill these goals, Hindus must use science and technology. “The whole array of modern media and a variety of languages should be made use of to make the message of Hinduism more accessible to all. Language should not be a stumbling block for religious activities.” Create a Hindu Academy with modern facilities to train religious teachers, counselors and youth. And, in order to make these visions possible, the Malaysian Hindu Sangam must raise funds from a variety of sources.

“The issue of land for temples is a very long outstanding issue. The Malaysia Hindu Sangam calls upon the Federal Government, and all State Governments, to grant the land on which they (temples) are situated to all existing temples… Places of worship must be respected no matter which religion they belong to…demolishing of temples including the destruction of Deities placed in these temples” shows a lack of respect for the religious sensibilities of the Malaysian Hindu community. The MHS asks everyone “solve these problems with discussion rather than destruction. The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is a responsible organization which has always cooperated with governmental and nongovernmental organizations. We, therefore, appeal to all concerned to liaise or contact us with whatever issues faced and we shall do everything possible within our means to assist.” Also, the Sangam has worked together with Yayasan Strategik Sosial of the MIC on many projects, like pre-marriage courses, Youth Training Programs, and Community Service Projects, to overcome the social problems facing the Hindu community. “We hope this cooperation continues and gains in strength.”

In conclusion, Datuk Vaithilingam urged “all Hindus in Malaysia to unite and work together for the progress and upliftment of the Indian community in general and the Hindu community in particular.”