Charisma News Service

KATMANDU, NEPAL, July 11, 2003: A Christian missionary and two local Christians jailed for four months on alleged proselytism charges in Nepal’s western region have been released from jail. Earlier this year, they were on their way to visit a Christian family in the Pyuthan District when they were stopped and interrogated by police. After finding Bibles and other Christian literature in their bags, authorities arrested them on charges of “carrying Christian literature, preaching Christianity, and attempting to convert others to Christianity.” They did not deny they were Christians throughout the hearing, but did deny ever attempting to force others to become Christians, which is a crime in Nepal. If convicted, they face three to six years in prison. HPI adds: This report from a Christian news service is not entirely accurate. The law against conversion in Nepal is against any conversion, not only those by force and enticement. The law is the country’s attempt to protect an ancient way of life from the onslaught of well-funded missionaries. It is routinely flouted by the missionaries and, unfortunately, only haphazardly enforced by the government.