
DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, July 6, 2003: The South African Hindu Maha Sabha recently discovered that Beacon Sweets, a sweets manufacturer owned by Tiger Brands, uses bovine gelatin in many of its products. It has alarmed the community as cows are sacred to Hindus. Rugbeer Kallideen, secretary of the Maha Sabha says, “We received complaints from members of the Hindu community about the bovine gelatin in certain products. We were shocked to discover that 74 of the company’s products contained the beef extract that gives elasticity to sweets.” After several meetings, the Hindu Maha Sabha has offered a solution to Beacon Sweets. Kallideen adds, “We have called for the Shuddah symbol, a Lotus flower signifying purity, to appear on Beacon Sweets products that do not have animal gelatin and would be suitable for consumption by Hindus and vegetarians from other communities.” Beacon Sweets does list bovine gelatin as an ingredient on its products but the Maha Sabha does not consider this enough as most consumers do not read the label. Pierre de Villiers, a director of Tiger Brands says, “If there is any way we can help our consumers make an informed decision, we will try, but it is a marketing decision. Research has to be done to determine whether it will add value or enhance our products.” HPI adds: According to the International Vegetarian Union, ” Gelatin (US spelling) or gelatine (British spelling) (used to make Jell-o and other desserts) is made from the boiled bones, skins and tendons of animals.” Learn more about gelatin and vegetarian substitutes on the IVU website.