
LONDON, ENGLAND, July 12, 2003: A new Hindu youth initiative, HYUK, was launched in the House of Lords on Thursday. At a reception hosted by Lord Dholakia, President of the Liberal Democrats Party, it was announced that the HYUK will help British youth to understand Hindu culture and its philosophies better and see how it fits into the modern world. The initiative is supported by Lord Bagri, Lord King, Lord Janner, Piara Singh Khabra, MP, and Ashok Kumar, MP, all of whom were present at the function, as well as community leaders, prominent businessmen, Prince Charles, Prime Minister Tony Blair and Members of the House of Lords and House of Commons.

Also released at the reception were the findings of the first-ever research project on Hindu Youth in the UK. According to the research, a vast majority of Hindu youth in the UK country are proud of their faith, but feel they lack any real understanding of the practices and beliefs. Almost 88 percent of participants said that the Hindu faith was relevant to the modern world despite being thousands of years old.