
CHICAGO, U.S.A., July 11, 2003: In the last year, Christian reality shows like “Travel the Road” and “Truth Quest,” a religious version of MTV’s “Road Rules,” have attracted viewers in Christian households and opened eyes at religious broadcasting stations. Taking a clue from secular networks who found reality programs are equally popular with watchers, but less expensive to produce than sitcoms and dramas, religious broadcasters on low budgets are using it as the genre of choice.

This year, half a million households in the United States — an estimated 1 to 2 million viewers — are watching “Travel the Road,” a Christian program that views like a Discovery Channel special, showing two missionary brothers wending their way through jungles and third-world cities, accompanied by graphics and background music, spreading the Gospel of Christ. This report says that while in India, “Hindu militants pulled the plug as potential converts were watching a film about Jesus.”