
POTTUVIL,SRI LANKA, July 19, 2003: Wildlife Department officials have been bracing for the largest-ever flow of foot pilgrims following the traditional Pada Yatra (“foot pilgrimage”) route through Yala National Park. The Park, which normally echoes with the songs of peacocks and jungle fowl, resounded with the songs of Pada Yatra pilgrims vowing to reach Kataragama, one of the most ancient and revered temples of Lord Murugan in the world, for the July 28 flag-hoisting ceremony.

Even before reaching Pottuvil, from as far as Jaffna, some Pada Yatra parties had already had in excess of 400 pilgrims, a sight that has not been witnessed in Sri Lanka for at least two decades. More villagers than ever, fairly confident that the peace process will hold, have been joining the traditional swamis this year for the pilgrimage. Abundant rains have rendered favorable walking conditions and villagers have plenty of surplus grain which they are grateful to offer as dana (gift) to God Kataragama and His devotees.

For more articles and photos of Kataragama Pada Yatra, visit the “source” above and