News Reports

TAMIL NADU, INDIA, August 10, 2003: When those devotees fortunate enough to pilgrimage to Kailash and Manasarovar returned home, they shared their testamonies of the experience at the Siva Temple in Erode. About 1,000 devotees gathered for a special abhishekam (Deity worship) and homan (fire worship) followed by the guest pilgrim speakers. Eighty people from Tamil Nadu, who had darshan of Mount Kailash, were present at the function. Mrs. Vasanth Sengottiyan shares her experience, “When they take a holy dip in the Maanasarovar, the devotees feel that there is a great purity entered into their mind and heart. Her own personal experience is Siva talked to her in person while she was at the feet of the Lord in Kailash.” Dr. Jayalakshmi Jagadeesan says, “Staying on the banks of Manasarovar at night about 3 o’clock she heard a sound. When she came out of her tent, she saw a miracle. From the sky thousands of stars glittering and powerfully shining — stars gently coming down and took a dip in the Maanasarovar.” At the end of the evening, each devotee who visited Kailash was honored with a special shawl.