
BRAZIL, August 15, 2003: India and Brazil may have more in common than the story of the historical error made by Portuguese explorer Pedros Alvares Cabral, who sailed from Lisbon in 1500 for India but landed in Brazil. Now the two countries, on board the IBSA tri-lateral initiative, may discover a “Shri Ram” connection in their ties. The Amazon rain forest in Brazil was the venue recently of a Ram Katha by Sant Murari Bapu that drew followers from all over the globe including Brazilians who danced to the tune of Jai Shri Ram, rather than Samba. The Ram Katha is a combination of dramatic story telling and group singing recalling the story of Lord Rama, and usually spread over several days. The famous Amazon resort, Aryau Towers, which has a hotel with tree-top rooms, even turned vegetarian for 10 days and welcomed the Ram bhaktas with Sri Ram T-shirts, with the hotel staff turned out in saffron. It is no surprise then that the Ministry of External Affairs has promptly planned a Festival of India in Brazil.