
MALAYSIA, August 31, 2003: In 1998, many scholars and devotees of Lord Murugan convened in Chennai to exchange findings about the Lord Murugan and His worship from prehistoric times to present. That was the First International Conference Seminar on Skanda-Murugan which was remarkable both for the sheer size, board range of research topics and expertise of scholars and devotees. At the end of the need for greater dialogue among scholars of Murugan and the community of informed devotees. Thus, the Second International Conference Seminar on Skanda-Murugan was held in Mauritius in 2001. The Third International Arulmigu Murukan Conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency Dato’ Seri Dr. S. Samy Vellu, Minister of Works, Malaysia and President of Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), in collaboration with International Centre for the Study of Murukan-Skanda.

The main objectives of the conference are:

1. To know the importance of Lord Murugan worship in Hinduism.

2. To promote devotion through religious literature on Murugan worship.

3. To promote research on Murugan worship.

4. To promote Murugan worship amongst the younger generation.

5. To standardize Murugan worship.