
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AUGUST 23, 2003: On Saturday evening at Ananda Ashram’s Blue Sky Center in Monroe, the students of renowned Kathak artist and guru Pt. Satya Narayana Charka presented a marvelous display of dance technique and expression in the East West School of Dance’s annual Krishna Leela dance-drama. Graduates Mayura Casuba and Romanee Kalicharran dazzled an appreciative audience as they brought Sri Krishna and Sri Radha to life on the stage. Other young students and dance artists demonstrated skilled dance and sensitive expression (earmarks of their teacher’s training), as they brought alive the stories of child Krishna, Yashoda and Lord Krishna’s beloved Gopikas and friends in the dance-drama choreographed and directed by Pt. Charka. All in all, the performers and the audience alike brought out a wonderful energy that made the Krisnha Leela Dance-Drama a great success for this summer season in New York. For information contact: Pt. Satya N. Charka,