
LONDON, ENGLAND, September 10, 2003: Britons are abandoning churches in droves, replacing traditional religion with activities that focus on themselves. But most people still believe in something, a poll revealed yesterday. Six out of ten of Britons believe in God and increasing numbers find Jesus inspirational, thanks to a rise in evangelical Christianity. Islam and alternative ideas such as New Age spirituality are also expanding. Pollsters Mori interviewed 1,001 people for the fifth anniversary of BBC1’s Heaven And Earth Show. They found a country in which almost half the population could not name any of the four New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But 60 per cent knew the Koran is Islam’s sacred text. The programme claims there are 750,000 practising Muslims in the UK and a million practising Christians (out of a UK population of 59 million). A spokesman for the show — hosted by Philippa Forrester and Ross Kelly — said: “The rise of the consumer society and a greater emphasis on individual experience have challenged traditional worship. “The outlook for traditional Christianity is bleak. But it