
NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 18, 2014 (Indian Express): As part of grand preparations for its centenary in 2025, the RSS is working on writing a version of Indian history based on the Puranas. The Puranas are ancient Hindu texts eulogizing deities through stories told by one person to another. They cover creation of the universe to destruction and the genealogies of kings, heroes, sages and gods. The 10-year project has been dubbed Puranantargat Itihaas.

The Sangh is also planning to put together the history of each one of the over 670 districts in the country, as well as the history of the over 600 tribal communities in India. The organisation is planning to tap local historians who can write the history of their districts, providing them all possible help.

An organisation linked to the RSS, the Akhil Bharatiya Itihaas Sankalan Yojna (ABISY), has arranged a workshop for over 100 historians in Palampur (Banaskantha, Gujarat) on August 22-24 for its Puranantargat Itihaas project. The historians called are mostly professors of history in various universities associated with the ABISY and its office-bearers.