
INDIA, August 23, 2014 (Indian Express): Yoga guru B.K.S. Iyengar passed away at the age of 96. “My time has come. My soul is satisfied with the work done…” he told family members. “We even spoke about the national convention on Yoga planned later this year. He was encouraging till the very last and kept saying people will come – they have to learn Yoga,” Geeta Iyengar, eldest daughter, told Newsline.

A widower, Iyengar was suffering from age-related ailments and breathed his last on Wednesday. Iyengar is survived by daughters Geeta, Vinita, Sucheta, Sunita, Savitha and son Prashant. Geeta and Prashant worked with Iyengar in teaching and propagating Yoga. Iyengar’s legacy will be alive in the family, and the entire world, says Geeta.

Dr. Manoj Naik, family physician and consulting doctor at Krishna Hospital quoted Iyengar as saying, “I have accomplished the purpose of my life. I have given my knowledge to the fullest and now I am facing death.”